Monday, 28 September 2015

Los tres doshas según el Ayurveda

Los tres doshas según el Ayurveda

Ayurveda es el sistema médico ancestral de la India . Ofrece una de las vías más rápidas para la salud.En lugar de tener que adivinar qué alimentos, suplementos, y los comportamientos son apropiados para usted, hay un camino simple y directo prescriptivo que se ha desarrollado para su tipo de cuerpo único, o dosha . Esto elimina todas las conjeturas de estar saludable. Los beneficios que se producen no sólo se siente en su cuerpo - que también se observan en su bienestar mental y emocional.

Según el Ayurveda, conocer su tipo de cuerpo es el primer paso, y el más importante, hacia la genuina salud. Esto se aplica tanto al tratamiento de las adicciones como de cualquier otra enfermedad. Aunque los tres doshas deben estar presentes para sustentar la vida, pocas veces se los encuentra en proporciones similares en cada individuo, y es fundamental reconocer si la influencia principal es Vata, Pitta o Kapha. Esto permite saber en qué áreas podrá ser vulnerable cuando esté bajo tensión física o emocional; y también decidir qué clase de actividades y cambios en su estilo de vida contribuirán mejor a recuperar el equilibrio de mente y cuerpo.

Vata corresponde al aire, y se asocia a personas de constitución delgada, carácter despierto e inquieto y sueño ligero. Un visionario nato, vive la vida a paso acelerado, con rápidos cambios de humor. En sus mejores momentos son ingeniosos y ocurrentes, y pueden conseguir lo que se propongan.

- Enfermedades asociadas a predominancia de Vata: sistema nervioso, artritis, migraña, desórdenes digestivos, problemas emocionales.

- Sensibilidad al viento, al frío, a la sequedad.
- Apetito: variado, dias con mucho apetito, otros inapetentes. Digestión difícil.
- Complexión: estatura mas alta o baja que el promedio. Delgado pero fuerte.
- Peso: bajo o peso variable.
- Cara: larga, delgada, pequeña, con tendencia a envejecer prematuramente.
- Ojos: pequeños.
- Brazos: muy largos o muy cortos en relación con el resto del cuerpo.
- Piernas delgadas, largas o cortas en relacion con el resto del cuerpo.
- Sed: escasa.
- Tórax: estrecho
- Uñas quebradizas
-Sexualidad: Interés sexual variable, fantasía sexual activa

Como el viento en la pradera, Vata está siempre en movimiento, cambiante, siempre invirtiendo la dirección. Los tipos Vata son mucho más variables que los Pitta o Kapha, y es mucho más difícil predecir su conducta de un día para el otro. En la gente de este dosha surgen de pronto estallidos de energía, tanto mental como física, y luego se desvanecen con la misma rapidez. Ya sea caminando, comiendo o decidiendo cuándo irse a dormir, son siempre inconstantes. Este rasgo también está presente en la digestión, los estados de ánimo y las emociones, y en la salud en general. Por ejemplo, los Vata son especialmente vulnerables a enfermedades de menor importancia, como enfriamientos o gripe.

Sus características son:
-Constitución ligera y delgada
-Realiza las actividades con rapidez
-Hambre y digestión irregulares
-Sueño ligero, interrumpido; tendencia al insomnio
-Entusiasmo, vivacidad, imaginación
-Excitabilidad, carácter cambiante
-Rápido para absorber información, y también para olvidarla
-Tendencia a la preocupación
-Tendencia al estreñimiento
-Se cansa con facilidad, tiende a la fatiga excesiva
-La energía mental y física llegan en explosiones

Es muy propio de Vata:
-Tener hambre a cualquier hora del día o de la noche
-El gusto por la excitación y el cambio constantes
-Acostarse a diferentes horas todas las noches, saltarse comidas y, en general, tener hábitos irregulares
-Digerir bien un día y mal el siguiente
-Caminar de prisa
-Manifestar estallidos emotivos de corta vida, que olvida con rapidez.

Dosha vata
Tiende a ser el más delgado de los tres tipos de cuerpo. Las personas Vata en realidad puede tener dificultades para ganar peso. Físicamente, las personas Vata son delgados con estructuras óseas prominentes, tienen la piel seca y el pelo, y tienen muy poco tono muscular.Mentalmente, aprende rápido y se olvidan rápido, disfrutan de los cambios, y son muy creativos. Emocionalmente, los tipos Vata son excitables, entusiasta, pero puede convertirse fácilmente en ansioso. Fuera de balance, las personas Vata puede tener una mala digestión con una gran cantidad de hinchazón y el estreñimiento. Ellos pueden tener sequedad en las fosas nasales y se resfrían con facilidad durante el otoño y el invierno. También pueden desarrollar fácilmente el insomnio y la fatiga.Para ayudar con la digestión, hay un suplemento de hierbas, Triphala, que es un salvavidas para las personas con un desequilibrio de Vata. Para evitar la sequedad de las fosas nasales y combatir los resfriados, las personas Vata puede utilizar un spray nasal de aceite de sésamo - que se pulverizar 1-2 veces en cada fosa nasal por la mañana. Para combatir el insomnio, una rutina regular es fundamental, que, por supuesto, las personas Vata tienden a resistirse. No obstante, se deben despertar a la misma hora, comiendo a la misma hora, y va a la cama a la misma hora. Además, los tipos Vata se beneficiarán de una bebida caliente, leche con especias antes de acostarse. Las recomendaciones alimentarias para las personas Vata son para evitar que los alimentos secos / crujientes, bebidas carbonatadas y los vegetales en frío / en bruto. Su dieta ideal se compone de comidas calientes, alimentos cocinados, cocidos caldosos, cereales, nueces, verduras cocidas, y leche caliente. Además, ghee, que es mantequilla clarificada, es particularmente bueno para las personas Vata. 


Pitta se corresponde al fuego y al agua, e individuos de complexión media, temperamento enérgico, mente afilada, humor variable y apasionado y sueño tranquilo. Dinámicos y apasionados, siempre dejan huella. Además, disfruta llevando el mando. 

- Enfermedades asociadas a predominancia de Pitta: fiebres, infecciones, inflamaciones, ulceras, urticaria. 
- Sensibilidad al calor y al fuego, agravada cuando hace mucho calor. 
- Apetito: mucho apetito, irritabilidad cuando no se como a la hora acostumbrada. 
- Complexión: estatura media; estructura corporal medianamente desarrollada. 
- Peso: moderado, con buen tono muscular. 
- Cara: formas angulosas, afiladas, agudas. 
- Ojos: tamaño medio, irritables, sensibles a la luz. 
- Brazos: medios. 
- Piernas tamaño medio; fuertes. 
- Sed: sedientos. 
- Tórax: moderado
- Uñas suaves 
-Sexualidad: Interés e impulso sexual alto 
Como una llama al rojo vivo, la cualidad que define a Pitta es la intensidad. Esta asociación con el calor es evidente hasta en las características físicas, pues suelen tener pelo rojizo y cutis sonrosado. Los Pitta son ambiciosos por naturaleza, e incluso activos, tienen un estilo de expresión audaz y tienden a discutir si se los enfrenta. Cuando están en equilibrio, los tipos Pitta son afectuosos, exhiben rostros que resplandecen de calidez, y la felicidad es característica de este dosha.

Sus características son:
-Constitución mediana
-Fuerza y resistencia medias
-Hambre y sed agudos, digestión fuerte
-Tendencia a enfadarse o irritarse bajo tensión
-Piel pálida o rojiza, con frecuencia pecosa
-Aversión al sol, al clima cálido
-Carácter emprendedor, le gustan los desafíos
-Inteligencia aguda
-Habla precisa y articulada
-No puede saltarse las comidas
-Pelo rubio, castaño claro o rojizo (o con reflejos cobrizos).

Es muy propio de Pitta:
-Sentirse famélico si la cena se atrasa media hora
-Vivir pendiente del reloj y detestar la pérdida de tiempo
-Despertarse de noche acalorado y con sed
-Hacerse cargo de una situación o creer que debería hacerlo
-Aprender por experiencia que, a veces, los demás le consideran demasiado exigente, sarcástico o crítico
-Caminar con paso decidido.

Dosha pitta

Pitta suelen ser individuos de la generación media. Físicamente, tienen un buen tono muscular, tienen pelo canoso prematuro o calvicie, tiene la tez rojiza, disfrute de altos niveles de energía, y tener una digestión muy fuerte - que pueden comer casi cualquier cosa. Mentalmente, son muy inteligentes, centradas en la gente y ambiciosos. Emocionalmente, es un apasionado de la vida, tienen una tendencia a ser perfeccionistas, y puede irritarse fácilmente. fuera de balance, los tipos Pitta puede experimentar la ira excesiva, sufren de enfermedades inflamatorias (como dolores de cabeza y erupciones de la piel), se encuentran con problemas digestivos (por ejemplo, el reflujo ácido, la diarrea y úlceras), y convertirse en exceso de estrés, adictos al trabajo. Para ayudar con la inflamación, las personas Pitta puede hacer un masaje de aceite de coco rápida en el cuero cabelludo y los pies durante 5 minutos antes de entrar en la ducha. Para evitar los problemas digestivos, se puede beber una mezcla de un cuarto de taza de jugo de aloe vera con una media taza de jugo de la granada en la mañana con el estómago vacío. Para ayudar a tomar la “ventaja frente” en el trabajo y luchar contra el estrés en las abejas obreras, que deben comer una cucharadita de mermelada de pétalos de rosa - se puede tomar solo o con pan tostado. La mermelada de pétalos de rosa es dulce y tranquilizadora. En cuanto a su dieta, las personas Pitta deben evitar alimentos picantes, alcohol, café, vinagre, y los alimentos ácidos como los cítricos y los tomates. Por supuesto, estos son por lo general sus comidas favoritas! Se debe comer dulces jugosas frutas como mangos y melones. También debe incluir un montón de refrigeración con alto contenido de agua, tales como pepinos, col y la lechuga, en su dieta.


Kapha se asocian a la tierra y a las personas de constitución fuerte, buen apetito, sueño profundo y carácter estable y cariñoso. Es el más leal y estable de los tres doshas, lo que le convierte en el compañero perfecto, que nunca pierde la calma: el peligro es que puede degenerar en pereza y pasividad.

- Enfermedades asociadas a predominancia de Kapha: problemas respiratorios, retención de agua, bloqueos, depresión. 
- Sensibilidad al frío y la niebla; te gusta el sol. 
- Apetito: apetito consistente, metabolismo lento. Comes de mas cuando estás deprimido o ansioso. 
- Complexión: fuerte, vigoroso, robusto, corpulento. 
- Peso: pesado, firme, en algunos casos obeso. 
- Cara: redonda, suaves contornos. 
- Ojos: grandes y prominentes. 
- Brazos: robustos y bien desarrollados. 
- Piernas: robustas y largas. 
- Sed: moderada.
- Tórax: ancho
- Uñas fuertes 
-Sexualidad: Interés e impulso sexual constante 

Kapha es el dosha más calmo y estable, y es mucho más difícil que se desequilibre que en el caso de Vata o Pitta. Kapha aporta estructura y energía al organismo, y estas características son evidentes en la constitución robusta de la mayoría de los tipos Kapha. Son serenos y optimistas por naturaleza. Tardan en enfadarse, y prefieren considerar todos los puntos de vista antes de adoptar la posición propia. Pero cuando se desequilibran, pueden mostrarse letárgicos e indecisos. Los benefician los ejercicios vigorosos y una dieta que contraste con su tendencia al sobrepeso. Pese a esos puntos vulnerables, el Ayurveda describe a las personas Kapha como afortunadas: son personas de índole cariñosa y considerada, y su fuerza física innata les brinda protección contra todo tipo de enfermedades.
Sus características son:
-Complexión sólida y fuerte; gran fuerza y resistencia físicas
-Energía firme; movimientos lentos y elegantes
-Personalidad tranquila, relajada; lentos para enfadarse
-Piel fresca, suave, gruesa, pálida y, con frecuencia, grasa
-Lentos para captar información, pero con buena retención
-Sueño pesado, prolongado
-Tendencia a la obesidad
-Digestión lenta, hambre moderada
-Afectuosos, tolerantes, benévolos
-Suelen ser posesivos y complacientes.

Es muy propio de Kapha:
-Reflexionar las cosas largo tiempo antes de adoptar una decisión
-Despertar lentamente, quedarse en la cama largo rato y necesitar un café antes de despabilarse
-Sentirse satisfechos con el statu quo y ser conciliadores con los demás para conservarlo
-Respetar los sentimientos de otros (hacia los que siente genuina empatía)
-Buscar consuelo emocional en la comida
-Tener movimientos elegantes, ojos líquidos, andar deslizante, aunque estén con sobrepeso.

El Dosha kapha
Kapha es típicamente el más grande de los tipos de cuerpo. Físicamente, tienen las caderas anchas o los hombros, pelo ondulado, grueso; buena resistencia física. Mentalmente, los tipos Kapha tienden a mi lento para aprender, pero tienen muy buenos recuerdos. Emocionalmente, tienden a ser muy leal, estable y confiable - se refiere a menudo como las “piedras” en una relación. fuera de balance, las personas Kapha tienen una tendencia a la congestión de los senos, la mala circulación y la digestión lenta que pueden fácilmente conducir a la obesidad. Para combatir la congestión, los tipos de Kapha puede agregar el ajo a su dieta o tomar suplementos de ajo. Para ayudar a mejorar la circulación, que pueden hacer un masaje estimulante de cuerpo seco, llamado garshana , realizada con guantes de seda cruda - usted puede utilizar una esponja vegetal como sustituto. El masaje ayuda a eliminar el exceso de agua y es un remedio natural para la celulitis. Para ayudar a aumentar el metabolismo, las personas Kapha puede utilizar el guggul suplemento herbario, que es una planta que está estrechamente relacionado con la mirra. La dosis de guggul es generalmente de 75 mg-150 mg al día. El ejercicio también es fundamental para mantener a la gente de Kapha en equilibrio, si usted tiene un tipo de cuerpo de Kapha, lo que tiene que levantarse y moverse! 

Desde un punto de vista dieta, las personas Kapha debe reducir el aceite / grasas, dulces y sal tanto como sea posible debido a su digestión lenta. En su lugar, debería centrarse en la cocina con una gran cantidad de especias, comer gran cantidad de verduras y alimentos ricos en fibra como las legumbres.

Este enfoque holístico de la salud le permite convertirse en un ser equilibrado, una persona vital, feliz con la menor cantidad de esfuerzo. Ayurveda es una solución antigua a nuestros problemas modernos que necesitan soluciones rápidas y eficaces. Los tres tipos corporales, ayurveda o doshas , son Vata, Pitta y Kapha. Cada dosha tiene un conjunto único de características. Hay varias maneras de determinar tu tipo de cuerpo. La más exacta es a través de la historia fisica detallada hecha por un médico ayurvédico. Sin embargo, aun teniendo una prueba rápida ayurvédica le proporcionará una tremenda visión de su dosha principal.

La Medicina ayurvédica se basa en el conocimiento del tipo corporal o Dosha de cada persona para personalizar su alimentación o tratamiento.
Las tres energías del cuerpo (vata, pitta y kapha) se desequilibran con una dieta inadecuada, un mal ambiente, el estrés, los traumas, las lesiones, causando una mala salud.

El tipo constitucional mente-cuerpo de una persona puede ser uno de los siguientes:

  1. Vatta 
  2. Pitta 
  3. Kapha 
  4. Vata-Pitta (Pitta-Vata) 
  5. Vata Kapha (Kapha-Vata) 
  6. Pitta-Kapha (Kapha-Ptta) 
  7. Vata-Pitta-Kapha 

Los seres humanos tienen características de los tres doshas. Se debe buscar un equilibrio, ya que cada dosha tiene sus puntos débiles y fortalezas. El tema es cuando hay una predominancia de uno de ellos, tambien predominan sus puntos fuertes y sus puntos débiles.

Los doshas pueden ser conocidos tomándole el pulso a la persona, o haciéndo el siguiente test. Sin embargo, la predominancia de doshas puede cambiar de hora a hora (y de Test a Test) y según día o época del año.

Monday, 31 August 2015

Ayurvedic diet to balance mind

A Life Enhancing Diet to Balance the Mind

"Food is a dynamic force which interacts with the human on the physical body level, the mind emotional level, and also the energetic and spiritual level. The study of nutrition is the study of the interaction with and assimilation of the dynamic forces of food by the dynamic forces of our total being." ~ Gabriel Cousens, M.D., Spiritual Nutrition and The Rainbow Diet?

In Ayurveda the emphasize is on a Sattvic diet for healthy living, particularly for keeping our minds clear, happy and at peace. The original Sattvic diet was devised for the development of higher consciousness.

Sattvic foods are foods that are abundant in Prana- the universal life-force that gives life to all sentient beings in both plant and animal kingdoms. a Sattvic diet means not only vegetarian food, but food rich in Prana 'life-force like organic fresh fruits and vegetables. it requires avoiding canned and processed food, and foods prepared with chemical fertilizers or sprays. It also means properly prepared fresh foods. Foods prepared with lots of love will add to their Sattvic quality.

The ancient Ayurvedic criteria for foods to be considered Sattvic were quite simple: foods were grown organically on good rich fertile soil; foods were to be of attractive appearance, and be harvested at the correct time of year. Foods should be whole foods full of life-force and enzymes and be as close as possible as they are in their natural fresh state.

Today, we need to add to these criteria for Sattva several other modern concerns. Sattvi foods should be grown without pesticides, herbicides, chemical fertilizers, hormones, irradiation or anything unnatural. Modern use of refinement processes and chemical additives, besides actually adding substances to our foods, depletes foods of their Prana 'life-force' and hence renders them heavy, impotent and lifeless.

Sattic foods are nutritive vegetarian foods like organic nuts, seeds, whole grains and oily fruits and vegetables that help build the brain tissue and develop Ojas.

The Three Gunas

In the unmanifested Universe, energy has three qualities, known as Gunas, that exist together in equilibrium: Sattva (purity); Rajas (activity, passion, the process of change); and Tamas (darkness, inertia). Once energy takes form, one quality of the three predominates. Thus on an apple tree, some of the fruit is ripe (Sattvic), some ripening (rajasic) and some overripe (tamasic). But no matter which quality prevails, an Element of each of the other two will always be present as well. Most of an individual apple will be ripe, but part will be rotten, even if the naked eye cannot see it, and part will be in the process of changing from one state to the other. The three Gunas encompass all existence, all actions. If a man commits a robbery, the action is basically rajasic but the decision to rob and the motive may be predominantly tamasic, rajasic or Sattvic, according to the situation. In all people one of the three Gunas has superior strength and is reflected in all they do and think. Only in enlightenment are the Gunas completely transcended.

Ancient Rishis have said you take on the karma of the animal you eat
When you eat meat you are ingesting all the stress hormones released when that animal was killed. The hormones released at death are present in the flesh when you eat it. At a cellular level, your body is getting the message that you are dying.

One goal and effect of Ayurveda and following a spiritual path is to raise our vibrational levels
Meat has a very low vibration. On a continuum of lower vibrations, fish, chicken, lamb, beef, and finally pork have increasingly lower vibrations and their energy is very dark, dense and congested. Through the centuries it has been observed that vegetarians have a more refined etheric body and brighter aura. A vegetarian whose etheric body is brighter and healthier will generally heal at much faster rate than those who are not vegetarian.

Ayurvedic Principles

Everything on Earth has a primary quality (Guna). Anything we hear, smell, see, taste or touch may be classified into the categories of Sattvic, Rajasic or Tamasic.


In Ayurveda a dietary system was developed by the ancient Masters and Sages thousands of years in working with the mind to help support an individual on a spiritual path that perfected the ancient forms of Yoga and Meditation. It is also the foundation of many healing arts. It has a rich tradition that has been taught, practiced and passed onto many cultures over the world.
Ayurveda or Sattvic foods all have one thing in common: they are high in Prana (the universal life force). More specifically, Sattvic foods are natural, organically grown, and as unrefined as possible. Modern food processing takes the Prana out of many foods and makes them heavy, impotent, and lifeless- or simply "dead food."

Mind balance in Ayurveda means modifying the mind from Tamasic or Rajasic to Sattvic state. Choosing those foods and activities that are Sattvic in nature in preference to those that are Rajasic or  Tamasic does that. With consistent and dedicated attention to diet, environment and sensory experiences, total mind balance can be achieved.

It often takes discipline and effort to become Sattvic, but the peace of mind, health, strength and immunity that is obtained from this state of mind makes it worthwhile. However, some rajas and tamas qualities are still required for action and motivation to achieve our goals and inaction, sleep or relaxation (tamas).

There are three types of foods categorized by their primal essence or nature:

Tamasic Foods

Dark, and dull. A tamasic diet benefits neither the mind nor the body. Prana, or energy, is withdrawn, powers of reasoning become clouded and a sense of inertia sets in. The body's resistance to disease is destroyed and the mind filled with dark emotions, such as anger, jealousy and greed.
Tamasic foods include meat, poultry, fish, eggs, alcohol and other intoxicants including drugs. Foods that are over-processed, no longer fresh, and/or difficult to digest are Tamasic. Foods that are prepared unconsciously or while the preparer is angry or in a negative mood are also considered Tamasic. If you are interested in vital health and spiritual growth it is best to avoid these foods. Tamasic items include meat, alcohol, tobacco, onions, garlic, fermented foods, such as vinegar, and stale left over food, contaminated or overripe substances. Overeating is also regarded as tamasic. Tamasic is the unhealthiest food of all.

Rajasic Foods

Rajas signifies the "can do" kind of energy. It is the energy, which we need to accomplish, create, and achieve. It represents worldly power and the sex drive. A Rajasic diet is good for "householders" who aspire to maintain a meditative mind but need to live and work in the world as well. It has been recommended by the ancient Rishis teachers that a combination of Sattvic and Rajasic foods for those who practice demanding disciplines such as endurance athletics, martial arts and Kundalini Yoga. They destroy the mind-body equilibrium, feeding the body at the expense of the mind.
Foods that are very hot, bitter, sour, dry, or salty are rajasic. Too much rajasic food will over stimulate the body and excite strong emotional qualities and passions, making the mind restless and uncontrollable. Rajasic foods include hot substances, such as sharp spices or strong herbs, stimulants, like coffee and tea, meat of animals and fish, eggs, salt and chocolate. Many of the ground foods are Rajasic. Eating in a hurry is also considered rajasic.

Sattvic Foods

Sattvic means pure essence. This is the purest diet for a consciously spiritual and healthy life. It nourishes the body and maintains it in a peaceful state. According to Ayurveda, this is the best diet for physical strength, a good mind, good health, and longevity. And it calms and purifies the mind, enabling it to function at its maximum potential. A Sattvic diet thus leads to true health: a peaceful mind in control of a fit body, with a balanced flow of energy between them. They are known to have a very cleansing effect on the body. A Sattvic diet is excellent for those individuals who desire to live a quiet, peaceful and meditative life. Sattvic foods comprise the diet of many sages, yogis and spiritual teachers. These foods are supposed to produce calmness and nobility among men. Eating fruits and vegetables increases one's magnetism. From what we understand today about diets we are sure that ancient Essenes and Rishis masters saints had a very good idea about food in general and their effect on the body and thinking pattern of man. Expression of the soul is dependent on the body, and the body is dependant on food.

The Sattvic diet consists of light, soothing, easily digested food. Sattvic signifies the etheric qualities and includes foods such as fruits and vegetables, especially sun foods and ground foods. Many Sattvic foods are sun foods are those that grow one meter or more above the ground. They have a quickening and lightening effect on the body's nervous and digestive systems. Ground foods are those foods that grow within one meter of the ground. They draw energy from the earth and are high in nutrients. Sattvic foods include sprouted whole grains, fresh fruit, land and sea vegetables, pure fruit juices, nut and seed milk and cheese, legumes, nuts, seeds, sprouted seeds, honey, and herb teas. Sattvic foods are those foods which do not agitate your stomach at all. According to the diet, the best foods are those that are fresh, which have a balance of all the six tastes and are consumed in moderate portions.

Becoming Sattvic

One should focus on work, self-improvement and intellectual or spiritual pursuits. Maintaining a positive nature, demonstrating generosity, kindness, openness, fairness (equality) and forgiveness also increases Sattva Guna. In addition spiritual inclination, faith and belief in the Great Spirit or God, engaging in selfless service or charitable activities help to become Sattvic.

Nature's Sattvic Foods


Apples, Kiwi, Prunes, Apricots, Loquat, Tangerines, Bananas, Lychee, Pomegranate, Cantaloupe, Mango, Papaya, Cherries, Melons, Nectarines, Cranberry, Honeydew, Oranges, Grapefruits, Watermelon, Pineapples, Grapes, Peaches, Plums, Guava, Pears, Persimmon


Artichokes, Eggplant, Lettuce, Beets, Mustard, Greens, Asparagus, Daikon, Onions, Endive, Fennel, Maitake, Parsnips, Bok Choy, Peas, Broccoli, Green Beans, Potatoes, Brussels Sprouts, Kale, Radishes, Cabbage, Leeks, Lima Beans, Shallots, Carrots, Celery, Spinach, Cauliflower, Chard, Chanterelles, Sprouts, Corn, Squash, Shitake, Mushrooms, Watercress, Turnips, Yams

Sprouted Whole Grains

Amaranth, Barley, Buckwheat, Bulgur, Millet, Quinoa, Rice:Basmati, Brown and Wild Rice.


Olive, Safflower, Sesame, Sunflower, Garbanzo, Lentils, Mung.


Asafoetida (hing), Coriander, Basil, Cumin, Nutmeg, Black Pepper, Fennel seed, Parsley, Cardamom, Fenugreek, Turmeric, Cinnamon, Cloves, Ginger


Brazil nuts, Pumpkin seeds, Sunflower seeds, Walnuts

Milks & Cheese

Seed milk, Hemp milk, Almond or other nut milk


Cane juice, Raw honey, Stevia, Fruit Juices, Maple Syrup

It takes time for the effects of dietary changes to manifest on the mind. Changing our diet may not impact our psychology overnight, but in a period of months can affect it significantly.


The subtle vibrations of the food (the three gunas) affect the mind constitution. Sattvic foods increase the sattva in the mind and the same happens with the other two gunas, rajas and tamas. hus it become obvious that in order to increase the sattva we must increase the amount of sattvic food, decrease the rajasic as much as possible and avoid tamasic food.

Very important even more than food is the impressions we take in through senses and the relations we have. Anything we hear, smell, see, taste or touch may be classified into the categories of Sattvic, Rajasic or Tamasic. That is to say that every impression can be sattvic, rajasic or tamasic.
The impressions are the direct food for the mind and we must be very careful about the impressions we permit enter in the mind through senses. The quality and the quantity of impressions play a great role to the balance and health of our mind. 

Intimate relations

Intimate relations also are very important because our psych are more open to the influences of the vibrations of our partner. In Greece we have a motto that says: ´´tell me who is your friend to tell you who you are´´. This shows us how strongly we are affected from the mental and emotional quality of our friend or partner.

Thus a balanced healthy mind not depends only on the quality of food but also on the quality of impressions and relations. Sattvic food, sattvic impressions, sattvic relations, (in general a sattvic life style) is the basis of a healthy body and mind and our well being.  

Activities and environment

Two other important factors are the activities and the environment. We must be engaged in sattvic activities and live in a sattvic environment or at least make our home a sattvic place in order to create equilibrium, balance and well being. Contact with nature and sports related with nature are very important to restore a lot of pure energy, and to calm and purify the mind.

 Peace  love  harmony

Friday, 5 June 2015



Ayurveda provides a special language for understanding the primal forces of Nature and shows us how to work with them on all levels. According to Yoga and Ayurveda, Nature consists of three primal qualities, which are the main powers of Cosmic Intelligence that determine our spiritual growth. These are called gunas in Sanskrit, meaning “what binds” because wrongly understood they keep us in bondage to the external world.
From tamas comes the power of ignorance that veils our true nature. From rajas comes the power of Imagination that projects the world and puts us in bondage to the multiplicity of the external. From Sattva comes the clarity or peace through which we can perceive the truth.

1)     Sattva - intelligence, knowledge, purity, imparts balance
 Sattva means the quality of stability, harmony, virtue or being (sat). It is said to be light in nature and luminous. It has inward and upward motion and brings about the awakening and development of the soul. Sattva gives happiness. It is the principle of intelligence.

2)     Rajas – energy, action, passion, causes imbalance.
Rajas means the quality of attraction, turbulence or activity. It is said to be mobile and motivated. It possesses outward motion and causes self-motivated or self-seeking action that leads to disintegration, Rajas creates pain and suffering. It is the principle of energy.
3)     Tamas – substance, inertia, ignorance, creates inertia.
Tamas means the quality of dullness, darkness and inertia. It is said to be heavy and veiling or obstructing. It has downward motion and causes decay, degeneration and death. Tamas causes delusion. It is the principle of materiality.

Since both the external world and the internal world of the mind are made of matter, the qualities of the three gunas are seen in both.

 For example, in the external world we see:

Sattva -- equilibrium and serenity

Rajas -- dynamism and movement

Tamas -- inertia and stagnancy

 In the internal world of the mind, these are experienced as:

Sattva -- Purity, compassion, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, comprehension, recognition, generosity, patience, kindness.

Rajas -- Desire, greed, jealousy, anger, attachment, possessiveness, hyperactivity,  nervousness, anxiety, aggressiveness, competitiveness, power, prestige, name and fame.

Tamas -- Impurity, dullness, envy, fear, delusion, confusion, depression, stupor, unconsciousness, coma.

One of the factors that influences the quality and strength of the material quality that predominates in your mind is your destiny. Otherwise, because the mind has an adoptive nature, it is also strongly affected by the quality of your environment and associations. It is also influenced by the quality of the food you eat.
The three gunas are the most subtle qualities of Nature that underlie matter, life and mind. They are the energies through which not only the surface mind, but our deeper consciousness functions. They are the powers of the soul which hold the karmas and desires that propel us from birth to birth. The gunas adhere in Nature herself as her core potentials for diversification.

All objects in the universe consist of various combinations of the three gunas. Cosmic evolution consists of their mutual interaction and transformation. The three gunas are one of the prime themes of Ayurvedic thought. They form a deeper level than the three biological humors (Vata- Pitta-Kapha) and help us understand our mental and spiritual nature and how it functions.

Sattva is the quality of intelligence, virtue and goodness and creates harmony, balance and stability. It is light (not heavy) and luminous in nature. It possesses an inward and upward motion and brings about the awakening of the soul. Sattva provides happiness and contentment of a lasting nature. It is the principle of clarity, wideness and peace, the force of love that unites all things together.

Rajas is the quality of change, activity, and turbulence. It introduces a disequilibrium that upsets an existing balance. Rajas is motivated in its action, ever seeking a goal or an end that gives it power. It possesses outward motion and causes self seeking action that leads to fragmentation and disintegration. While in the short term Rajas is stimulating and provides pleasure, owing to its unbalanced nature it quickly results in pain and suffering. It is the force of passion that causes distress and conflict.

Tamas is the quality of dullness, darkness, and inertia and is heavy, veiling or obstructing in its action. It functions as the force of gravity that retards things and holds them in specific limited forms. It possesses a downward motion that causes decay and disintegration. Tamas brings about ignorance and delusion in the mind and promotes insensitivity, sleep and loss of awareness. It is the principle of materiality or unconsciousness that causes consciousness to become veiled.


The mind, or consciousness in general, is naturally the domain of Sattva. Consciousness itself is called Sattva in Sanskrit. Unless the mind is calm and clear we cannot perceive anything properly. Sattva creates clarity, through which we perceive the truth of things, and gives light, concentration and devotion. Rajas and Tamas are factors of mental disharmony causing agitation and delusion. They result in wrong imagination and misperception.

From Rajas comes the false idea of the external world as real in itself, which causes us to seek happiness outside ourselves and lose track of our inner peace. Rajas creates desire, distortion, turbulence and emotional upset. It predominates in the sensory aspect of the mind because the senses are ever-moving and seeking various objects. As long as we remain immersed in the pursuit of sensory enjoyment we fall under the instability of Rajas.

From Tamas comes the ignorance that veils our true nature and weakens our power of perception. Through it arises the idea of an ego or separate self by which we feel ourselves alone and isolated. Tamas prevails in consciousness identified with the physical body, which is dull and limited. As long our identity and sense of well-being is primarily physical we remain in the dark realm of Tamas.

Sattva is the balance of Rajas and Tamas, combining the energy of Rajas with the stability of Tamas. By increasing Sattva one gains peace and harmony, and returns to Primordial Nature and Pure Spirit in which is liberation. However attachment to Sattva, such as clinging to virtue, can bind the mind. For this reason we must strive to develop pure Sattva, which is its detached form, or Sattva not clinging to its own qualities. Pure Sattva does not condemn Rajas and Tamas but understands their place in the cosmic harmony, which is as outer factors of life and body whose proper place is apart from our true nature.

When pure Sattva prevails in our consciousness we transcend time and space and discover our eternal Self. The soul regains its basic purity and unites with God. When out of balance, the three gunas bring about the process of cosmic evolution through which the soul evolves through the kingdoms of Nature, experiencing birth and death, happiness and sorrow in various bodies. The movement of the three gunas is coterminous with creation.
Sattva as the state of balance is responsible for all true health and healing. Health is maintained by Sattvic living, which is living in harmony with Nature and our inner Self, cultivating purity, clarity and peace. Rajas and Tamas are the factors that cause disease. Rajas causes pain, agitation and the dissipation of energy. Tamas brings about stagnation, decay and death. Rajas and Tamas usually work together. Rajas brings about the over expression of energy, which eventually leads exhaustion, in which Tamas prevails. For example, too much spicy food, alcohol, and sexual indulgence, are initially Rajasic or stimulating. These eventually lead to such Tamasic conditions as fatigue and collapse of energy. On a psychological level too much Rajas, which is turbulent emotion, leads to Tamas or mental dullness and depression.

Mental Types According to the Gunas

To have Sattva predominant in our nature is the key to health, creativity and spirituality.

Sattvic people possess an harmonious and adaptable nature which gives the greatest freedom from disease both physical and mental. They strive toward balance and have peace of mind that cuts off the psychological root of disease. They are considerate of others and take care of themselves. They see all life as a learning experience and look for the good in all things, even in disease which they strive to understand, not merely to suppress.

Rajasic people have good energy but burn themselves out through excessive activity. Their minds are usually agitated and seldom at peace. They have strong opinions seek power over others often regardless of the means. They are impatient and inconsistent in dealing with their problems and do not wish to take the time or responsibility to get well. They blame others for their problems, including their therapists.
Rajasic people can accomplish their goals and are generally in control of their lives. However, they are not awake to their spiritual purpose, and are dominated by the ego in their pursuit of happiness. Life brings them shocks, which can cause them great suffering, particularly when they lose control. Even when they achieve their goals they find that they are still not happy.

Tamasic types have deep-seated psychological blockages. Their energy and emotion tends to be stagnant and repressed and they do not know what their problems really are. They do not seek proper treatment and usually have poor hygiene or poor self-care habits. They accept their condition as fate and do not take advantage of the methods that may alleviate their problems. They allow other people and negative influences to dominate them and do not like to be responsible for their lives. They prefer not to deal with their problems or will not let others know about them, which only allows the problems to get worse.

The admixture of gunas

However, we must not forget the admixtures of the gunas. There is a higher rajas and tamas in the field of sattva and a lower sattva in the fields of rajas and tamas. Similarly there are rajasic aspects of tamas and tamasic aspects of rajas. The following are some brief descriptions

1. Rajasic Sattva: the ac
ιive or transformative force of sattva, the power of, spiritual aspiration that struggles upward, ever seeking greater growth and unfoldment. It is also any energy of healing that brings about integration and wholeness.

2. Tamasic Sattva: the destructive force of sattva that eliminates negativity: It is also the stability inherent in sattva, its capacity to endure through all obstacles. It is the capacity of a state of balance to sustain itself and to ward off disease or imbalance.

3. Sattvic Rajas: the type of religion, spirituality or idealism of rajasic people. It has rajasic traits of aggression, outer expansion and the seeking of power Religions based upon militance, exclusivism and intolerance reflect this quality.

4. Tamasic Rajas: the inertia of rajasic types, their resistance to any higher force, and holding to their own personal power and impulses regardless of the consequences for themselves or others.

5. Sattvic Tamas:
the religion, spirituality or idealism of tamasic people. It has tamasic traits of destruction, darkness, and delusion. It is the level of dark cults and superstitions.

6. Rajasic Tamas: the aggression and violence ·of dull and ignorant people l
ι is perhaps the most destructive gunic quality. Tamasic types literally trample over others and, devoid of sensitivity, delight in harm and destruction. Deep sexual perversions come at this level.

Gunas and Human Relations

Our minds are constantly being affected by the changing gunas, just like a movie is flashing on a screen. As we watch the light shown through the celluloid frames of a movie, our mood changes from scene to scene. We are emotionally absorbed in the reflected images. If something sad is depicted, we feel sad. If something humorous happens, we feel happy. Similarly, the gunas reflect every moment on the screen of our mind, and accordingly our style of thinking, field of desires and mood shift.

For this reason, sometimes you feel extremely active, at other times reflective. Sometimes you are overcome by laziness. Sometimes you feel at peace. Sometimes you are motivated to better yourself and sometimes you feel self-destructive. These internal moods are a reflection of the influence of one of the gunas of maya.

While we are under the influence of any of the gunas, we see the world though that "tinted lens".

If we are under the influence of sattva, we may feel compassion and kindness for others. We will see only good in them and judge their intentions to be of the highest order.

When we are under the influence of rajas, we may feel ambitious and wonder how others can further our selfish motive. We may also feel that people are untrustworthy and they may try to take advantage of us.

When we are under the influence of tamas we try to devise some means of cheating or robbing someone or hurting them verbally or physically. We see others as being the enemy or as having little or no worth.


Yoga and Ayurveda emphasize the development of sattva. In yoga, sattva is the higher quality that allows spiritual growth to occur.
Ιn Ayurveda, sattva is the state of balance that makes healing happen. 
Eat mostly sattvic food
The mind appropriately is the domain of Sattva (clarity) and the mind itself is called Sattva. One's quality of Sattva is reflected in the clarity of perception and peace of mind.

When in balance in the mind the three gunas give perception of truth, when out of balance, they create ignorance (tamas) or false imagination (rajas) through which perception is blocked or distorted.

Sattva is the balance of rajas and tamas. Hence by increasing sattva in the mind one returns to peace and harmony and can merge back into nature and spirit. Yet attachment to sattva, like clinging to virtue, can also bind the mind. Pure sattva is required, which is the detached form of it. Ayurveda uses the three gunas for determining mental nature.

In fact the mind itself is composed of the gunas. The gunas we take in serve to build up the mind. The mind like the gunas is the causal or creative principle in existence.

Yoga practice has two stages:

1. The development of sattva
Development of sattva means purification of body and mind. Development of sattva occurs through right diet, physical purification, control of the senses, control of the mind, mantra and devotion. 

In order to develop sattva we must follow a sattvic life style and do yoga practices.
What is a satvvic lifestyle?
It is to live in all aspects of our everyday life in a sattvic way. We must
be in contact and have relations with what is sattvic by nature.  

That means that:
  • We must eat sattvic food, drink sattvic drinks, perceive sattvic impressions, live in a sattvic house, city or neighborhood and have sattvic relations and avoid or reduce as much as possible what is rajasic and tamasic.
  • We must cultivate sattvic thoughts and way of thinking and sattvic feelings. At the same time we must eliminate negative thinking and emotions by spiritual practices and other psychological means and methods such as Bach remedies, affirmations, EFT etc..
  • We must do sattvic actions and do them in a sattvic way.
2. The transcendence of sattva.
Transcendence of sattva means going beyond the body and mind to our true Self beyond manifestation. Transcendence of sattva comes from higher meditation practices.

The general rule is that if one has not developed sattva, one cannot go beyond it. One should not forget this important rule. If we don't have the appropriate sattva or purity in our body and mind, including in our emotions, it may be premature for us to seek any higher enlightenment.


Sattva is also the key to ayurveclic healing. Ayurverda states that the sattvic body and mind are less likely to suffer from disease and more able to continue in a state of balance. Disease, particularly of a chronic nature, is a tamasic state. Tamas brings about the accumulation of toxins and waste materials on a physical level and of negative thoughts and emotions on a psychological level.

Health is a sattvic state of balance and adaptation which prevents any excess from occurring. Rajas is the movement either from health to disease or disease to health depending upon its direction of development.
Acute diseases fall under rajas, which is pain.

 Dr. David frawley speaks about the three gunas

Dr. David frawley 
Bhakti yoga meditation web site

 Peace, love, harmony